Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Three Word Wednesday: Eight Days Later

I sit in the silence, rocking in the wake of yet another child's puking episode, but it is too close to rise and shine, so how about I get in that quiet time I have been neglecting? I open my study book and Bible and get down to business, making connections, having epiphanies, and all before 6 am.
I am directed to look up yet another passage when I feel that familiar tug on my lazy nature. "Just skip it. You know that passage. Ok, maybe if you don't you'll at least figure out what it is from the context of the lesson." Reluctantly, I will my hands to escort the fragile pages left and find myself eye to text with the story of Doubting Thomas (poor man to have a label like that, like Rahab the Harlot). I say a quick prayer as I peruse the words, that the Lord would open my eyes to something that sticks- something beyond what I've read before. It sounds altruistic, but really I am just tired and I want to make sure this is "worth it." (Yuck, Lauren. Really? Yes, really. I can be selfish even when I'm reading the Word.)
But you know the Lord (or if you don't, you should). He delivers on His promises even when we are tired and whiny, and His Word definitely did not return void. It hit me hard, and I've been puzzling on it for a few days now.
 Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, called the Twin,was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.”
Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”  Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:26-29
"Eight days later?!" Wait, what? Did I know that? Surely I must have read that, maybe studied it even. But then why did I not see it before?" (Yet another case for rereading and praying while reading the Bible, no matter how many times you've seen it.)
Eight days later. A couple weeks ago my daughter asked what time period I would go back to if I could go for just one day. I would like to put this eight days in my top ten. It just has me asking these questions like,
- Jesus obviously knew what disciples would be present when He first arrived, so why did He come when Thomas was gone?
- Was it because of something with Thomas, or was He giving the disciples a chance to evangelize to one of their own? (Even us believers need some evangelism, no?)
- And if He knew Thomas wouldn't believe them, why didn't He just come back in an hour to show Him?
- Why did He let Thomas struggle in His unbelief when He could have just shown Him right then and there that He was back?
- Why didn't Thomas believe his friends? Were relationships damaged after the crucifixion? Was he just stubborn? Was He hurt that Jesus revealed Himself to the other ten, but seemed to leave Him out of it? (Ouch, that would hurt.)
- Was he afraid to face Jesus? After all, he had deserted Jesus too. Maybe he was afraid he had done something unforgivable. Jesus had spoken peace to the others. He had breathed on them, given them the Holy Spirit. Thomas had missed the crucial sending of the disciples and gift of forgiveness.
- Did Thomas try to make the others doubt what they had seen? Did he just have to be right?
I'm not sure of any of those answers really, but it did bring to mind some things I do know.
- We can evangelize til we're blue in the face, but if that person doesn't come face to face with who Jesus is and what He did, they won't believe. And half-pictures of Him are no good. He died AND rose!
- We can't make anyone believe, that's God's job, but that doesn't mean witnessing is a waste of time. Witnessing is a blessing from God. We have seen the Lord!
- It's not all about the outcome of our present circumstance. We want to skip the hard things, get to where things are good. So we rush it. We push our questions to the back burner and act like things are fine, because maybe if we act like it, that will make it happen. Jesus is okay with the struggles. He waited to show Himself, not because He didn't care or love Thomas. He knew exactly what Thomas needed, and delivered accordingly. God works within our struggles, and He loves us enough to wait until the time is right.
- Pride is always a snare. When our stubborn need to be right keeps us from celebrating the Risen Christ, we need to step back and be willing to conceive that maybe there is a better way beyond what our eyes have seen.
- You're mistakes don't have to define you. Failing once is not failing forever. Thomas had the opportunity to exercise true faith and he missed the boat. He wouldn't let that same mistake happen again. Years later he would have the opportunity to declare unbelief once again. Instead, he prayed to the Jesus he could no longer see and was run through with a spear. Sounds like a happy ending to me.
 If you would like to join in Three Word Wednesday, or just read other writers who have, click on the button to the right, or right here!


  1. I love this so much because it addresses the frailty in us all and the humanity of the gospel. Such good questions - they get me thinking! And especially the reminder that our mistakes do not have define us. SO thankful for that! Thank you for this piece of wisdom friend!

    1. Glad this could get your wheels turning! And for some reason, the reminder that my past doesn't have to define my future is a gift that bring me to tears!

  2. Awesome post! That's exactly the kind of easily missed detail in scripture that I think makes it so interesting. I love to stumble upon something I've never noticed before and listen for what God may reveal to me through it. Just like he did for you here! Thanks for sharing your insight.

    1. It really is amazing how the more you read the Bible, the more you realize how much of it you don't know- it's layers are so intricate. Like trying to count a person's strings of DNA, but not daunting, it's so inviting!

  3. I like how you honestly shared her Lauren. I too have those moments where I'm tempted to skim over passages because I "think" I know it. It amazed me every time that God illuminates something fresh in passage I have read many times. His Word is always alive and active.

    1. It sure is! Praise God He reveals Himself even in those moments we seem least likely to be receptive to Him!

  4. Once again I love everything about what you wrote. I love how you write so honestly...right from your heart. You gave me some reminders I needed too on how I approach my time in the Bible. I'm so glad you are joining in for Three Word Wednesday. Your words are a blessing. You are a blessings. On this lovely Thankful Thursday, I'm thankful for you!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Beth! It is that kind of encouragement that God uses to remind me that His story in me is worth telling!

  5. Hi L.R.! I hope your child has stopped puking? What a bummer. Puke was my least favorite spewing fluid...
    I think that God knew that Thomas would need to stew about why Jesus showed up when he wasn't there. Kind of your idea too. Sometimes we are faced with miracles we are ill prepared to see or receive. And we miss the significance. Maybe Thomas was like that.

    I know I am kind of jaded sometimes to the wonder of creation, even something simple like a new day. Those are miracles hanging in front of me...I could use eight days of rain to love the sun more!
    Your point about being ready to receive is a good one. I think Jesus was waiting for Thomas to be good and ready!

    Nice to be back here!

    1. I think so too, Ceil! I sometimes wonder what He is waiting for and I need to be reminded that He is making all things perfect in His time- not mine.

      And yes, I am horrible at dealing with puke too, but it all ended eventually and, considering past episodes, it went about as smoothly as it could go!


"And when they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement."-Acts 15:31. Thanks for commenting!