Friday, March 15, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Rest

It's Friday and it's a little late, but I'm sure that will all be addressed in this Five Minute Friday!

The Gypsy Mama has another prompt for us (read: me and women all over the globe) who just want to write. Written in 5 minutes flat, I'm not sure what to tell you to expect- it has been a day. If you'd like to join us in the Five Minute Friday conversation, we'd love to have you! Just click on the button on the right.

Ok, here goes.



Let me tell you, I've already corrected this post once. Rest, the prompt is rest. Not home. We did that one already. Go back to sleep, Lauren.

And in the darkness we realize that yes, it is a school day, and no, we don't want to get out of bed, but the 7 year old is dressed and hungry and raring to go. And we just want to rest.

We hit the ground running. Clothes on. I'll shower tomorrow. I hope. Toast in the toaster. Cereal in the bowl. Milk in cups. Homework in the folder. Spelling words read and spelled. We have the dance tonight, Mom. So I won't see you until tonight.

The other three are up. Go potty. Get dressed. Brush your hair. We'll get your teeth later, Lil has to get to school. She brushes her teeth, pulls a stocking cap on the hair I just carefully braided. Repeatedly. Puts on her coat, gives a hug and is out the door.

Hubs comes back in a bit. We load up the other three kids and take a road trip (literally 35 minutes) to the nearest Walmart. Shop shop shop. Stock stock stock. Another stop to get meat. Meat meat meat.

After home and unloading and putting away and making lunch I am well off my caffeine high, but I need to write my Five Minute Friday. No- I need to nap. So I manifest my writing in between the sheets.

And today I realize just how quickly the ST in REST invites his buddies to the party and I am STREST. Stressed.

Today I realize how important God's 7th day rest was to my life today. To be wired for a 7 day week. Could you imagine 8? or 9?

I realize that it's no accident that we stop to go to the bathroom several times EVERY DAY. Imagine, once a week... That would be the only time I ever SIT DOWN.

I realize my need for a God who calls me tro climb into the lap of HisWord and I relish every moment I get to rest in it. Let's do that now.



  1. From a male perspective, I marvel at how young mothers cope with the busyness of home, children and all the assorted activities that go into a "normal" day. I don't know how my wife did it ... how my girls (and girls-in-law) do it now that they are married ... or my writing friends do it. Be refreshed, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Joe. It's amazing how God has created the mind and body to go into some sort of survival mode that gets us through days like today! It wipes us out, but it sure is a Godsend to have husbands and godly men around to encourage us. Thank you!

  2. Joe, bless you! I don't think many men get that realization.

  3. Oh my, I hope you do get some rest! It is hard to grab those quiet moments when the kids are little. (I'm at the other end. It's hard to rest when the house is empty.)

    Laura Hedgecock

    1. I know some days I think I can't wait for the quiet, but then I really miss the chaos. Then I look at my mom and I think she is just as busy now as when we were home! God bless!

  4. I love the way you wrote this! It seems being a parent is the busiest job in the world, but I know none of us would trade it for anything! :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

    1. Thanks, Ashley! I look back on it and think maybe I've captured the craziness. It truly is nuts, but I count myself among the truly blessed to find myself here!

  5. That was hilarious, only because I can totally relate! What a great post. The days go by so quickly, and the title of your blog sums it up when you have kids. Sometimes our life looks like a wilderness. After a firestorm.

    Thanks for sharing!

    a fellow FMF writer :)


"And when they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement."-Acts 15:31. Thanks for commenting!