Thursday, February 14, 2013

First Five Minute Friday

So, it's Friday. Day 3. Ok, technically it's still Thursday Day 2, but it's 11:31p.m. CST and that's close enough to do this post. It's a short exercise to warm up the muscles that don't feel like sleeping, like my brain for instance. You check out a fun blog to find the prompt and write for 5 minutes flat about whatever she puts up there (no tweaking, no editing, just write for heaven's sake)- a nice way to end the week and get the brain working for when I come back to this on Monday.

It's Five Minute Friday and Lisa-Jo's prompt: Beloved.

Did she read my mind?

I'm the one You love.
I'm the one You love.
That will be enough.
I'm the one You love.

My anthem sung by Jason Gray.

Four kids, a trail mix of duties and diagnoses, and sometimes I need Him to tell me once again who I am... to Him.

I stared, gazed even, lovingly at my son tonight. Doing what preschoolers do. Taking me to stations in his classroom where he linked plastic links and used cookie cutters on playdough and matched numbers with dots and just did all those things preschoolers do and he was so proud.

And I was so proud.

And I turned into one of those parents I never could understand, who gushes over their child being able to do the simplest and most mundane of tasks, and I saw Him in him.

I could hear it. That's how I feel about you.

God places a joy and pride and welling-up in us at the accomplishments of those we hold most dear because that is an extension of Him.

That pride and love that can't be restrained. So much so that it spills forth into every moment of our day- His love.

Not because I am so great at my tasks. Not because I do something spectacular that simply no one else can do. Simply because I am His.

And He shows me this and I am to convey in 5 minutes what will take an eternity to grasp and soak in.


  1. Thank you for reminding me to remember that God loves me much more than I love my own child...He sees me as His child always and forever, no matter what I do or how often I fail Him. I am His, washed in the blood of His Son.

    Happy Valentine's Day and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. What a great reminder. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. And He shows me this and I am to convey in 5 minutes what will take an eternity to grasp and soak in.

    Doesn't this sum it all up! Will we ever totally grasp it! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Oh, He does look at us, when we submit and admires us - as we do our own babes! Thank you!

  5. "I saw Him in him" and the next line that follows. Absolutely WONDERFUL to read and hear being said to you (and us). I always love the small moments in which God pours out his presence to us!! Glad I could catch up on reading your blog this first Sunday in Lent!

  6. Thanks for all the wonderful encouragement. So glad it resonated.


"And when they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement."-Acts 15:31. Thanks for commenting!